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Burmas history


Burma gained independence in 1948 from the British who colonized and ruled Burma for several years. Since the independence, there have been fighting and civil war inside of Burma. The fighting has been going on for more than 60 years, and it is said to be the worlds longest civil war.

The conflict started after the leader of Burma, General Aung San (Aung San Suu Kyi’s father) got assassinate. The General had an agreement with all of the ethnic leader groups to work together in unity, so all groups could have equality, self-determination and autonomy.

After the general Aung San was assassinated the militia took power. The dream that all ethnic groups hoped for have not became reality. Some of the majority ethnic groups such as the Karen started to fight for self-determination and autonomy. In 1962 the general Nay Win took power and ruled the whole country with a dictatorship system.
Therefore, today there is no freedom, peace or justice for the ethnic nations in Burma.
Even though different ethnic groups have made ceasefire with the central military government, the ceasefire has never been confirmed and adopted.


Continent: Asia

Region:  Southeast Asia

Located:  Between Bangladesh and
Thailand, with India and China to the north

Geography: 253,954 sq mi (657,741 sq km); total area: 261,969 q mi (678,500 sq km)

Population:   53.26 million

Independence: In 1948 from the British

Political System: Republic


World Education/Global Border Studies
P.O. Box 10 Umphang, Tak,
Thailand 63170

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