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GBS teaching how to use water effectively and responsibly

Previous GBS students did a water conservation training to No.1 high school in Nu Poe refugee Camp in February 2014. They gave knowledge to students on how to use and save water.
They taught the students and teachers about water through games, by draw pictures, and by answering some questions. They also taught students and teachers by using power point presentations and taught about knowledge and critical thinking.

Water crisis

They worked with ARC (American Refugee Committee), the head master of No.1 school and camp committees. They also focused on sections that faced water crisis. There was a crisis in the camp because residents in the camp had to divide sections for water access and share the water in the daytime and nighttime. Residents usually did not have enough access to water for washing, watering plants, cooking, and for toilet water. Moreover, they also usually faced water problems where sections were located in higher areas.


A participatory solution

To solve this problem regarding the lack of water, the students were having discussions with the community developers from the camp. The No.1 high school was the school that faced the most water problems. The students and teachers could not access enough water. Therefore, GBS students did the workshop in November 2013 at No.1 high school.
The goal of the workshop was to increase the awareness and practice the water conservation in Nu Poe Camp. The objective was to provide the small workshop for No. 1 high school teachers and students about water conservation and to empower teachers and students with tools and knowledge to use water effectively and responsibly after building a water tank.

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